Let's Cry to Be Content
Let’s Cry To Be Content
“Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.”
Matthew 5:4
Christ the God man is giving us the beatitudes here and the second one is “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” This comes on the heals of being poor in the spirit inherits God’s kingdom. So, Christ seems to be saying, “if you cry you’ll find contentment”...is that what He is saying?
If you know me at all you know that I am a big cry baby. I get it from my Mom, she is an even bigger cry baby. We just have very tender hearts. Now that doesn’t mean if you don’t cry easy that you’re hard hearted. There are some in my family that almost never cry yet I know them to be as loving and compassionate as Christ more times than I am. Let me be honest with you though, I hate that I cry so easily. I mean, I’m a man, and men aren’t supposed to cry according to the culture I grew up in. What a relief to know that Jesus cried! I don’t believe there is any man more a man than Christ! But is it true that I have to cry to find peace?
To mourn means to express grief or sorrow. So, coming off the realization that I am destitute of spirit yet desiring the kingdom of God, I need to understand why I am poor in spirit...it’s not a hard thing to understand as that I am poor in spirit because I am sinful. Did you know sin grieves God. Sin makes God angry. Sin separates me from a holy, righteous God. It is my realization of my sin that ought to make be express grief or sorrow. That grief or sorrow should come from a sin sick place within us. It should be a realization that without Christ we are hopelessly lost in our sin and have no chance of bridging that separation between us and the Holy Father. This expression of grief and sorrow comes from a conviction given by the Holy Spirit...it makes us uncomfortable. Sin should make us uncomfortable...so much so that we cry out...or mourn. When we come to this place of mourning we find a place of repentance...a desire to turn from our current sinful state as we turn to Christ. This then changes the role of the Holy Spirit who no longer makes us uncomfortable but comforts us in the knowledge that Jesus Christ bridged that gap between God and us on the cross!
The Bible says that “whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”. That call is one of desperation. It is a cry of one who is mourning their sin and longing for salvation! If you have never realized that your current sinful state separates you from a Holy God...it’s time to cry to find contentment!
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
“Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.”
Matthew 5:4
Christ the God man is giving us the beatitudes here and the second one is “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” This comes on the heals of being poor in the spirit inherits God’s kingdom. So, Christ seems to be saying, “if you cry you’ll find contentment”...is that what He is saying?
If you know me at all you know that I am a big cry baby. I get it from my Mom, she is an even bigger cry baby. We just have very tender hearts. Now that doesn’t mean if you don’t cry easy that you’re hard hearted. There are some in my family that almost never cry yet I know them to be as loving and compassionate as Christ more times than I am. Let me be honest with you though, I hate that I cry so easily. I mean, I’m a man, and men aren’t supposed to cry according to the culture I grew up in. What a relief to know that Jesus cried! I don’t believe there is any man more a man than Christ! But is it true that I have to cry to find peace?
To mourn means to express grief or sorrow. So, coming off the realization that I am destitute of spirit yet desiring the kingdom of God, I need to understand why I am poor in spirit...it’s not a hard thing to understand as that I am poor in spirit because I am sinful. Did you know sin grieves God. Sin makes God angry. Sin separates me from a holy, righteous God. It is my realization of my sin that ought to make be express grief or sorrow. That grief or sorrow should come from a sin sick place within us. It should be a realization that without Christ we are hopelessly lost in our sin and have no chance of bridging that separation between us and the Holy Father. This expression of grief and sorrow comes from a conviction given by the Holy Spirit...it makes us uncomfortable. Sin should make us uncomfortable...so much so that we cry out...or mourn. When we come to this place of mourning we find a place of repentance...a desire to turn from our current sinful state as we turn to Christ. This then changes the role of the Holy Spirit who no longer makes us uncomfortable but comforts us in the knowledge that Jesus Christ bridged that gap between God and us on the cross!
The Bible says that “whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”. That call is one of desperation. It is a cry of one who is mourning their sin and longing for salvation! If you have never realized that your current sinful state separates you from a Holy God...it’s time to cry to find contentment!
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
Posted in Blessed, Forgiveness, Get Humble, God of All Comfort, Scripture is Illuminating
Posted in blessed, mourn, crying, comfort, conviction
Posted in blessed, mourn, crying, comfort, conviction
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