How it all started...
Faith Baptist Church was founded in 1963 by some families that wanted to follow God to the best of their abilities as Faith Missionary Baptist Church. The founding pastor was Rev. James F. Barnes, and he served as the pastor faithfully for 25 years. He was followed by his son-in-law Dr. Larry M. Groves who served for another faithful 25 years. We are now proud to call Rev. Larry A. Hof our pastor now, a man groomed by God as he served for 14 years as a lay person in the church. We are an Independent Fundamental Bible Believing Baptist Church. Independent in that we answer only to God the Father as to how we follow Him; Fundamental in that we hold to the doctrine set forth in the Word of God, that God is the Almighty Creator of All things, Jesus Christ is the fullness of the God-head bodily, who laid His sinless life down to pay for our sins, and is risen, seated at the Father’s right hand speaking for us; that the Holy Spirit completes the Trinity, and has one task, to point sinners to Jesus Christ; that we the church were left two ordinances to follow in baptism by full immersion, and the Lord’s Supper; and the great commission left to us in the Gospel. Please come and visit with us, and you too will find that we are, in fact, the “Friendliest Church in the County”!

Faith's Furniture Ministry
We have been blessed by God to serve our community along with as we receive, store, and distribute furniture to our neighbors in need here in Hancock County. Pray with us that God would use this ministry to show our neighbors His love and care for them.
Where we are headed...
It is our desire to simply reach our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe this will only be accomplished by our desire to know Jesus better in our lives as we live the Gospel in hopes that others will see it and receive it! God brought us here to Hancock County to be something different when you look for a Baptist Church. We hold to fundamental doctrines but embrace new ideas in methodology. There are some folks out there that are looking for a place to feel like family as they seek to know Christ better...we believe we are that place!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 11 am