Laws Are Meant to Be Broken
Laws Are Meant to Be Broken
“I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.”
Romans 7:21
I am flesh. To be more exact, I am sinful flesh. In me, Larry Alan Hof, dwells no good thing. To sin is just first nature with me. It is as natural to me as breathing. I am not alone, am I? I believe that many of us would agree that the author of this letter to the church at Rome was maybe the best follower of Christ we know anything about. He was used to pen half the New Testament, yet Paul would reckon himself just as I did in the opening of this blog. Our flesh cannot be subjected to the Law. Read that again. That is another way to say that I am going to sin. You are going to sin. We are going to sin. Sadly, many of us hear that and think, “well, if I’m just gonna sin anyway, may as well make it good”...or maybe that is just how my sinful flesh works. That is a sinful flesh perspective. Guess what, it does not surprise God in the least. He already knows that. A matter of fact, He already paid for that, in full.
So, what is the answer? If sin is always with me and there is a law saying I am going to sin, what do I do? If you read all of chapter 7 Paul pretty much asks the same question. The answer is simple, Jesus! Think about this, all the requirements of the law were met in Christ. He fulfilled the law...why? Because He loves His creation and knows that we cannot. For Jesus the law could not be broken, for us the law cannot be kept. As a matter of fact the law was given to us to see that we are in deed broken in sin.
Laws are meant to be broken, but allow me to bring this into a divine nature perspective. There is a law in my flesh that I am unable to not sin. This does not give us as a child of God license to sin. Because we have been given a divine nature through Grace in Faith in Christ that law is meant to be broken. Now we have power to bring our sinful flesh into subjection to Grace, not law. This means that we don’t worry about keeping the law, Jesus did that for us. Instead we set our affections on Him. I would encourage you to do this from a place of gratitude for the freedom you have been given from having to keep the law.
Now I’m going to put a plea out there to any who have questions about how to balance these things in a divine nature perspective. I apologize if yesterday’s message was confusing in anyway and invite you to have a one on one conversation with me so we can learn how best to discern these things in our lives.
Pastor Larry Hof
“I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.”
Romans 7:21
I am flesh. To be more exact, I am sinful flesh. In me, Larry Alan Hof, dwells no good thing. To sin is just first nature with me. It is as natural to me as breathing. I am not alone, am I? I believe that many of us would agree that the author of this letter to the church at Rome was maybe the best follower of Christ we know anything about. He was used to pen half the New Testament, yet Paul would reckon himself just as I did in the opening of this blog. Our flesh cannot be subjected to the Law. Read that again. That is another way to say that I am going to sin. You are going to sin. We are going to sin. Sadly, many of us hear that and think, “well, if I’m just gonna sin anyway, may as well make it good”...or maybe that is just how my sinful flesh works. That is a sinful flesh perspective. Guess what, it does not surprise God in the least. He already knows that. A matter of fact, He already paid for that, in full.
So, what is the answer? If sin is always with me and there is a law saying I am going to sin, what do I do? If you read all of chapter 7 Paul pretty much asks the same question. The answer is simple, Jesus! Think about this, all the requirements of the law were met in Christ. He fulfilled the law...why? Because He loves His creation and knows that we cannot. For Jesus the law could not be broken, for us the law cannot be kept. As a matter of fact the law was given to us to see that we are in deed broken in sin.
Laws are meant to be broken, but allow me to bring this into a divine nature perspective. There is a law in my flesh that I am unable to not sin. This does not give us as a child of God license to sin. Because we have been given a divine nature through Grace in Faith in Christ that law is meant to be broken. Now we have power to bring our sinful flesh into subjection to Grace, not law. This means that we don’t worry about keeping the law, Jesus did that for us. Instead we set our affections on Him. I would encourage you to do this from a place of gratitude for the freedom you have been given from having to keep the law.
Now I’m going to put a plea out there to any who have questions about how to balance these things in a divine nature perspective. I apologize if yesterday’s message was confusing in anyway and invite you to have a one on one conversation with me so we can learn how best to discern these things in our lives.
Pastor Larry Hof
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