Am I Blessed?
Am I Blessed?
“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for their's is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:3
What a statement to open a sermon with! That’s exactly what Jesus did. He opened His greatest sermon we see preached in the New Testament with this statement. Jesus came to shake up the status quo. People we MUST understand that when Jesus steps into our lives and begins to speak that He is GOING to mess up your way of life. He is going to show you things that don’t make sense and ask you to accept them on faith, to take Him at His Word. Tell me it isn’t messed up to think that if you want your life to be blessed or filled with joy, peace, and contentment that you will need to first be poor in any way. That doesn’t compute in our current state of mind. Here is the problem though, our current state of mind. The status quo is not going to help us lay up eternal dividends but more immediately they won’t help us know any part of heaven now.
God has a divine nature He desires each member of His creation to know. This divine nature is to replace our current sin nature for all eternity. This divine nature is the answer to being poor in spirit. It is the currency that takes us from being destitute and without spirit to being exceedingly wealthy in spirit. This first takes place when an individual who has never taken Christ at His Word and accepted the sacrifice of Christ for sin as their own. When they do this they are given a divine nature that is now dwelling inside them to give them power to be a child of God...joint heirs with Jesus! Then any person who knows Christ as their Savior must choose each day to reject the poor and destitute sin nature and live in the God given divine nature...this is a place of, peace, and contentment. A small piece of heaven is waiting for each of us to experience in Christ today. We just have to ask ourselves, “Am I Blessed?”.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for their's is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:3
What a statement to open a sermon with! That’s exactly what Jesus did. He opened His greatest sermon we see preached in the New Testament with this statement. Jesus came to shake up the status quo. People we MUST understand that when Jesus steps into our lives and begins to speak that He is GOING to mess up your way of life. He is going to show you things that don’t make sense and ask you to accept them on faith, to take Him at His Word. Tell me it isn’t messed up to think that if you want your life to be blessed or filled with joy, peace, and contentment that you will need to first be poor in any way. That doesn’t compute in our current state of mind. Here is the problem though, our current state of mind. The status quo is not going to help us lay up eternal dividends but more immediately they won’t help us know any part of heaven now.
God has a divine nature He desires each member of His creation to know. This divine nature is to replace our current sin nature for all eternity. This divine nature is the answer to being poor in spirit. It is the currency that takes us from being destitute and without spirit to being exceedingly wealthy in spirit. This first takes place when an individual who has never taken Christ at His Word and accepted the sacrifice of Christ for sin as their own. When they do this they are given a divine nature that is now dwelling inside them to give them power to be a child of God...joint heirs with Jesus! Then any person who knows Christ as their Savior must choose each day to reject the poor and destitute sin nature and live in the God given divine nature...this is a place of, peace, and contentment. A small piece of heaven is waiting for each of us to experience in Christ today. We just have to ask ourselves, “Am I Blessed?”.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
Posted in Get Humble, God of All Comfort, The Word, Poor in Spirit, Blessed
Posted in poor, destitute, Poor in Spirit, blessed, peace, joy, content, Jesus, The Word
Posted in poor, destitute, Poor in Spirit, blessed, peace, joy, content, Jesus, The Word
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