Boomerang Bible
Boomerang Bible
“so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:11
God has a purpose for every thing He says. God has never spoken a word that does not serve His purpose. Creation hangs on His Word while His children ignore it. Is that God’s purpose for His spoken Word? For His created beings known as humans to disregard it and even try to explain away it’s very existence? Of course not. God’s Word is not given to make man respond how God wants. So, what is this verse saying?
Have you ever watched a movie or tv show, or listened to the radio or a podcast, or been reading a book that you have wanted to read yet you get a ways into whatever it is and come to realize you haven’t paid any attention to it? I imagine there may be some of you who hardly if ever do that but there are many of us that do it all the time. These are not shows or books or programs someone has forced on you, but something you have pursued or endeavored to watch, hear, or read. Yet we will miss out on maybe the most important part because we get so pre-occupied in our own thoughts. If it really matters to us we often will go back to the last thing we remember and pick it back up, striving to pay closer attention.
God’s Word was given by God so that we might know the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel will not return void to God but will accomplish what He desires. He desires all man to know the God man. Here’s the thing, sadly many have missed out on the most important detail of God’s Word and it just isn’t important enough for them to stop, realize they have missed out and repent and then strive to know Him. Make no mistake, God’s Word reveals Who Christ is, if we miss it, that is on us, not on God. God put it out there and when it is all said and done, it will go back to Him, accomplished. Here is my hope for you, that this might serve as a wake up call to get back to knowing Jesus the best you can so that God’s Word might be accomplished in you.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
“so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:11
God has a purpose for every thing He says. God has never spoken a word that does not serve His purpose. Creation hangs on His Word while His children ignore it. Is that God’s purpose for His spoken Word? For His created beings known as humans to disregard it and even try to explain away it’s very existence? Of course not. God’s Word is not given to make man respond how God wants. So, what is this verse saying?
Have you ever watched a movie or tv show, or listened to the radio or a podcast, or been reading a book that you have wanted to read yet you get a ways into whatever it is and come to realize you haven’t paid any attention to it? I imagine there may be some of you who hardly if ever do that but there are many of us that do it all the time. These are not shows or books or programs someone has forced on you, but something you have pursued or endeavored to watch, hear, or read. Yet we will miss out on maybe the most important part because we get so pre-occupied in our own thoughts. If it really matters to us we often will go back to the last thing we remember and pick it back up, striving to pay closer attention.
God’s Word was given by God so that we might know the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel will not return void to God but will accomplish what He desires. He desires all man to know the God man. Here’s the thing, sadly many have missed out on the most important detail of God’s Word and it just isn’t important enough for them to stop, realize they have missed out and repent and then strive to know Him. Make no mistake, God’s Word reveals Who Christ is, if we miss it, that is on us, not on God. God put it out there and when it is all said and done, it will go back to Him, accomplished. Here is my hope for you, that this might serve as a wake up call to get back to knowing Jesus the best you can so that God’s Word might be accomplished in you.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
Posted in God is More, Love, Making Plans
Posted in WordofGodSpeak, Bible, Godsays, areyoulistneing, wakeup, goback, repent
Posted in WordofGodSpeak, Bible, Godsays, areyoulistneing, wakeup, goback, repent
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