The Good Gift
The Good Gift
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”
James 1:17
I really used to think that I loved getting gifts...well, I still love getting gifts, but I enjoy giving them much more. Here we are entering into the greatest time of year for giving and receiving gifts! Christmas is a fun time when you have a lot of people you can buy gifts for. I’m an okay gift giver, but my wife is an excellent gift giver. You see, I am not good at really thinking about who the person is. What they talk about, what they wear, what they are entertained by and all the other things that my wife pays attention to, but I don’t. I may love to give gifts, but usually my gifts are more about what I like then what the recipient may actually want.
Do you know who the best gift giver is? The Bible says this in James chapter 1, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” God is the absolute best gift giver! We celebrate Christmas because of God’s Greatest gift to mankind, His beloved Son, Jesus Christ...who is just as good a gift giver as His Father, since He came to give His life for us! Well, in this passage if you read the previous verses you see why God is so good at giving us exactly what we need. You see, He knows what I talk about, how I choose my clothes, what entertains me, what I am passionate about...He knows it all. He also knows that I need His Wisdom, so, He gave His Word. He knows I need His presence, so, He Gave His Spirit. He knows that I am weak and am often tempted, so He gives me an escape from every temptation. He knows that I get hurt, so He gives Healing. He knows that even when I don’t know what I need or want, that I need Him. He is the greatest gift giver of all time.
Do you know what is really cool? He doesn’t discriminate! He wants everyone, anyone, each one of His image bearers to know just how good He is at giving! And, once He decides to give...nothing will stop Him! Do you need something today? I don’t mean a new toy, or car, or whatever it is that you think will make you, do you just need something today and have no idea how it will happen, or maybe you’re not ever sure of what it is because life has you so spun around you can’t tell up from down? Ask the Father of Light to inspect your life and give you the very thing you’s a guaranteed yes! Do you want to know why I know that it’s a yes...because what you really need is Him, and He hasn’t told anyone who truly desires Him no yet...He is the Good Gift!
Pastor Larry Hof
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”
James 1:17
I really used to think that I loved getting gifts...well, I still love getting gifts, but I enjoy giving them much more. Here we are entering into the greatest time of year for giving and receiving gifts! Christmas is a fun time when you have a lot of people you can buy gifts for. I’m an okay gift giver, but my wife is an excellent gift giver. You see, I am not good at really thinking about who the person is. What they talk about, what they wear, what they are entertained by and all the other things that my wife pays attention to, but I don’t. I may love to give gifts, but usually my gifts are more about what I like then what the recipient may actually want.
Do you know who the best gift giver is? The Bible says this in James chapter 1, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” God is the absolute best gift giver! We celebrate Christmas because of God’s Greatest gift to mankind, His beloved Son, Jesus Christ...who is just as good a gift giver as His Father, since He came to give His life for us! Well, in this passage if you read the previous verses you see why God is so good at giving us exactly what we need. You see, He knows what I talk about, how I choose my clothes, what entertains me, what I am passionate about...He knows it all. He also knows that I need His Wisdom, so, He gave His Word. He knows I need His presence, so, He Gave His Spirit. He knows that I am weak and am often tempted, so He gives me an escape from every temptation. He knows that I get hurt, so He gives Healing. He knows that even when I don’t know what I need or want, that I need Him. He is the greatest gift giver of all time.
Do you know what is really cool? He doesn’t discriminate! He wants everyone, anyone, each one of His image bearers to know just how good He is at giving! And, once He decides to give...nothing will stop Him! Do you need something today? I don’t mean a new toy, or car, or whatever it is that you think will make you, do you just need something today and have no idea how it will happen, or maybe you’re not ever sure of what it is because life has you so spun around you can’t tell up from down? Ask the Father of Light to inspect your life and give you the very thing you’s a guaranteed yes! Do you want to know why I know that it’s a yes...because what you really need is Him, and He hasn’t told anyone who truly desires Him no yet...He is the Good Gift!
Pastor Larry Hof
Posted in Love, Blessed, God is More, God of All Comfort, Scripture is Illuminating, The God of the Impossible, The Word
Posted in gift, giving, wisdom, Christ, Father of Lights, Holy Spirit
Posted in gift, giving, wisdom, Christ, Father of Lights, Holy Spirit
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