Got Bread?
Got Bread?
“Give us this day our daily bread.”
Matthew 6:11
Christ is in the middle of His “Sermon on the Mount” and He is giving us instruction on how we should pray. Prayer is more important than you think. I know right now as you read this you’re saying, “Larry, I know prayer is important” is more important than you think. Christ prayed often. Now we do see a few public prayers in His ministry but they are for our benefit. Praying in public is sometimes necessary but your public prayers will only have power if you are a private prayer warrior. This request for bread is not about what we need for physical nourishment. Christ hardly ever addresses that type of hunger. Do you know why? Because our flesh doesn’t need instruction on how to fill itself, it just comes natural. It is not natural however for us to seek out spiritual sustenance. We need instruction on how to do it. Our spiritual sustainability wholly relies on how we are fed. Just reading your Bible does not promise spiritual sustainability. Our soul and spirit being fed relies on the Holy Spirit of the Holy Word to give us exactly what we need that day. Notice Christ said, “Give us THIS day”. Yesterday’s bread fulfilled yesterday’s need, today is another day that we need His Spirit to feed us from His Word. You might be like, “well, Larry, I do ask Him to speak to me, yet it seems as if I understand nothing”. Well that’s easy. The problem is you’re all ready full. You got your own bread for the day and don’t really want what He has for you. Willful un-confessed sin will work in direct opposition to being filled with the Bread of Life.
Pastor Larry Hof
“Give us this day our daily bread.”
Matthew 6:11
Christ is in the middle of His “Sermon on the Mount” and He is giving us instruction on how we should pray. Prayer is more important than you think. I know right now as you read this you’re saying, “Larry, I know prayer is important” is more important than you think. Christ prayed often. Now we do see a few public prayers in His ministry but they are for our benefit. Praying in public is sometimes necessary but your public prayers will only have power if you are a private prayer warrior. This request for bread is not about what we need for physical nourishment. Christ hardly ever addresses that type of hunger. Do you know why? Because our flesh doesn’t need instruction on how to fill itself, it just comes natural. It is not natural however for us to seek out spiritual sustenance. We need instruction on how to do it. Our spiritual sustainability wholly relies on how we are fed. Just reading your Bible does not promise spiritual sustainability. Our soul and spirit being fed relies on the Holy Spirit of the Holy Word to give us exactly what we need that day. Notice Christ said, “Give us THIS day”. Yesterday’s bread fulfilled yesterday’s need, today is another day that we need His Spirit to feed us from His Word. You might be like, “well, Larry, I do ask Him to speak to me, yet it seems as if I understand nothing”. Well that’s easy. The problem is you’re all ready full. You got your own bread for the day and don’t really want what He has for you. Willful un-confessed sin will work in direct opposition to being filled with the Bread of Life.
Pastor Larry Hof
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