Yes, You Can
Yes, You Can!
“And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”
John 6:35
Deep down all we really want is to just be satisfied, right? We want our bellies full, our bills paid, our desires met, and then we will be satisfied...well at least that is what we think. Where does this drive to be content come from? I mean wars are fought over someone just wanting what they want. Old British rocker Mick Jagger has just been honest for years when he sings, “I Can’t Get No, Satisfaction”. Because that is the truth, we will never be satisfied when all we try to do is be is a vicious cycle in our lives.
Jesus came and showed us that life could be lived in a state of contentment. He never sought to do what He wanted as He lived His life doing what His Father wanted and serving His fellow man. Then Jesus, having cornered the market on contentment says this, “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.” Just so you know, Jesus isn’t talking really about a loaf of bread and a bottle of water. He is speaking about finding satisfaction. Just so you know, the only way for you and I to really find “satisfaction” is to let Christ be our life. Can you really be satisfied? According to Jesus, Yes, You Can! Old Mr. Jagger just never has looked in the right place, or else Christ is a liar. Let that simmer for a bit.
Pastor Larry Hof
“And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”
John 6:35
Deep down all we really want is to just be satisfied, right? We want our bellies full, our bills paid, our desires met, and then we will be satisfied...well at least that is what we think. Where does this drive to be content come from? I mean wars are fought over someone just wanting what they want. Old British rocker Mick Jagger has just been honest for years when he sings, “I Can’t Get No, Satisfaction”. Because that is the truth, we will never be satisfied when all we try to do is be is a vicious cycle in our lives.
Jesus came and showed us that life could be lived in a state of contentment. He never sought to do what He wanted as He lived His life doing what His Father wanted and serving His fellow man. Then Jesus, having cornered the market on contentment says this, “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.” Just so you know, Jesus isn’t talking really about a loaf of bread and a bottle of water. He is speaking about finding satisfaction. Just so you know, the only way for you and I to really find “satisfaction” is to let Christ be our life. Can you really be satisfied? According to Jesus, Yes, You Can! Old Mr. Jagger just never has looked in the right place, or else Christ is a liar. Let that simmer for a bit.
Pastor Larry Hof
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