Simple Steps
Simple Steps
“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”
Galatians 5:16
Walking in the Spirit sounds like it would be a mystery and if it wasn’t for the Scriptures, it would be. God gave us His Word and His Spirit when He gave us His Son. When we know Jesus as our Savior the mystery goes bye bye as our Guide to the mystery of how to walk with Jesus takes up residence in us. We can now know the steps, but we have to get into the Maker’s Manual...that’s the Bible! God’s Spirit takes God’s Word and shines God’s Light into God’s new Tabernacle...that’s us! God’s Word shows us the difference between us and Christ. Then we can choose to walk like we always have or do, or we can choose to walk like Jesus.
It’s quite’s not a’s a choice. First, we choose whether or not we go to the Manual or not. Then if we do look at the instructions we choose whether we be the same person we have always been, or we can choose to be like Jesus. Simple! If you’re thinking, “If it’s so simple why can’t I do it?”, sadly you’ve just revealed your been making bad choices, so you are who you are. Let that simmer for a bit.
Pastor Larry Hof
“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”
Galatians 5:16
Walking in the Spirit sounds like it would be a mystery and if it wasn’t for the Scriptures, it would be. God gave us His Word and His Spirit when He gave us His Son. When we know Jesus as our Savior the mystery goes bye bye as our Guide to the mystery of how to walk with Jesus takes up residence in us. We can now know the steps, but we have to get into the Maker’s Manual...that’s the Bible! God’s Spirit takes God’s Word and shines God’s Light into God’s new Tabernacle...that’s us! God’s Word shows us the difference between us and Christ. Then we can choose to walk like we always have or do, or we can choose to walk like Jesus.
It’s quite’s not a’s a choice. First, we choose whether or not we go to the Manual or not. Then if we do look at the instructions we choose whether we be the same person we have always been, or we can choose to be like Jesus. Simple! If you’re thinking, “If it’s so simple why can’t I do it?”, sadly you’ve just revealed your been making bad choices, so you are who you are. Let that simmer for a bit.
Pastor Larry Hof
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