I'm Not Impressed/Impressive
I’m Not Impressed/Impressive
“Be not wise in thine own eyes: Fear the LORD, and depart from evil.”
Proverbs 3:7
Do you ever think to yourself, “man, I am very impressive!”? Do you know what I mean? When we get so proud of ourselves for whatever it is that we are doing or that we feel we have accomplished that we mentally give ourselves a little pat on the back. Do you know who is not impressed? God...God doesn’t think much of what I think of myself when I am proud of what’s going on in my life. As a matter of fact, the Bible says that God resists the proud.
In Proverbs 3:5-6 we learn that we are supposed to 1. Trust in the Lord...that means that all that I need or want is to be filtered through the faith I have in Who God is and that He will supply what I need and even what I want when I want to trust Him...completely. 2. Don’t try to make sense of what doesn’t make sense...that’s what “lean not on your own understanding” means. Faith won’t make sense because we can’t see with our eyes...so we go back to trusting God. 3. In every thing and way I go, praise God for what He is doing as I trust Him...He always works things, even the things I don’t like or understand, for my good and His glory.
Then, as if God knows my heart, He gives us Proverbs 3:7 “Be not wise in thine own eyes: Fear the LORD, and depart from evil.” You see, when things are going good as I follow verses 5-6, pride starts to seep in and begins to convince me that I am doing real good...I begin to be impressed with my life, forgetting that it’s ALL God, not me. So, I need to remember that I am not impressed with me, I’m impressed with God...and then run to Him and trust Him some more (that’s what fearing Him and turning from evil means:_) ...it works...let that simmer for a bit.
Pastor Larry Hof
“Be not wise in thine own eyes: Fear the LORD, and depart from evil.”
Proverbs 3:7
Do you ever think to yourself, “man, I am very impressive!”? Do you know what I mean? When we get so proud of ourselves for whatever it is that we are doing or that we feel we have accomplished that we mentally give ourselves a little pat on the back. Do you know who is not impressed? God...God doesn’t think much of what I think of myself when I am proud of what’s going on in my life. As a matter of fact, the Bible says that God resists the proud.
In Proverbs 3:5-6 we learn that we are supposed to 1. Trust in the Lord...that means that all that I need or want is to be filtered through the faith I have in Who God is and that He will supply what I need and even what I want when I want to trust Him...completely. 2. Don’t try to make sense of what doesn’t make sense...that’s what “lean not on your own understanding” means. Faith won’t make sense because we can’t see with our eyes...so we go back to trusting God. 3. In every thing and way I go, praise God for what He is doing as I trust Him...He always works things, even the things I don’t like or understand, for my good and His glory.
Then, as if God knows my heart, He gives us Proverbs 3:7 “Be not wise in thine own eyes: Fear the LORD, and depart from evil.” You see, when things are going good as I follow verses 5-6, pride starts to seep in and begins to convince me that I am doing real good...I begin to be impressed with my life, forgetting that it’s ALL God, not me. So, I need to remember that I am not impressed with me, I’m impressed with God...and then run to Him and trust Him some more (that’s what fearing Him and turning from evil means:_) ...it works...let that simmer for a bit.
Pastor Larry Hof
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