Sweet Nothings
Sweet Nothings...
“The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; And he will shew them his covenant.”
Psalm 25:14
If you have ever had someone you are in a loving relationship with come up and whisper softly in your ear how they feel about you...well, it’s pretty sweet! We call it “whisper sweet nothings in your ear”, when if fact it is not nothing! It is EVERYTHING! We call it “sweet nothings” because no one else knows what is being said! It is between you and the one whispering in your ear. Did you know God loves you so much that He wants to whisper sweet nothings in your ears? He wants to make you feel just how special you are to Him! He wants you to know what His plans are for you. Do you know why many of us go day after day without hearing the sweet whisper of God in our ears? We have allowed something or someone else to be what we fear. We are too afraid of lost time if we have devotions. We are too afraid of what people will think of us if they see us praying earnestly to our God. We are too afraid of what it would look like if we allowed our lives to actually show our faith in Christ. God loves us so much, He wants to take those fears. We allow the fears of life to become so loud that we miss that still small voice of God. If we would just fear the loss of our Sweet Nothings from God we would have rest in His promises for us.
Pastor Larry Hof
“The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; And he will shew them his covenant.”
Psalm 25:14
If you have ever had someone you are in a loving relationship with come up and whisper softly in your ear how they feel about you...well, it’s pretty sweet! We call it “whisper sweet nothings in your ear”, when if fact it is not nothing! It is EVERYTHING! We call it “sweet nothings” because no one else knows what is being said! It is between you and the one whispering in your ear. Did you know God loves you so much that He wants to whisper sweet nothings in your ears? He wants to make you feel just how special you are to Him! He wants you to know what His plans are for you. Do you know why many of us go day after day without hearing the sweet whisper of God in our ears? We have allowed something or someone else to be what we fear. We are too afraid of lost time if we have devotions. We are too afraid of what people will think of us if they see us praying earnestly to our God. We are too afraid of what it would look like if we allowed our lives to actually show our faith in Christ. God loves us so much, He wants to take those fears. We allow the fears of life to become so loud that we miss that still small voice of God. If we would just fear the loss of our Sweet Nothings from God we would have rest in His promises for us.
Pastor Larry Hof
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