Taking Church Serious
Taking Church Serious
I want my church family to know that gone are the days that I just continue speaking while my church family sits and allows their attention to be everywhere but on what's going on in the service. A couple weeks ago it was overwhelming as I looked out at the congregation and 80% of them were looking down at their phones, or so I assume. I love my phone and all the wonderful things I can do on it...but my phone did not redeem me. My phone did not give its life for me. My phone may have the ability to answer a lot of questions and can be used for great things, even for the glory of God...but my phone will never be the Answer. I implore my church to please understand that I love you. That I want us to grow in Christ and His Grace as we strive to be used by Him to reach others for the Kingdom of God! It is time for us to be big girls and boys as we allow the Spirit of God to captivate our attention and bring us into a mature divine nature that will show others the visage of Christ Jesus. So I beg you, put down your phone when we are in church, and follow me, as I follow Christ?!
I want my church family to know that gone are the days that I just continue speaking while my church family sits and allows their attention to be everywhere but on what's going on in the service. A couple weeks ago it was overwhelming as I looked out at the congregation and 80% of them were looking down at their phones, or so I assume. I love my phone and all the wonderful things I can do on it...but my phone did not redeem me. My phone did not give its life for me. My phone may have the ability to answer a lot of questions and can be used for great things, even for the glory of God...but my phone will never be the Answer. I implore my church to please understand that I love you. That I want us to grow in Christ and His Grace as we strive to be used by Him to reach others for the Kingdom of God! It is time for us to be big girls and boys as we allow the Spirit of God to captivate our attention and bring us into a mature divine nature that will show others the visage of Christ Jesus. So I beg you, put down your phone when we are in church, and follow me, as I follow Christ?!
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