I Need Life
I Need Life!
God’s Breathes Life...it has been so since the beginning! He spoke all of creation into existence except for mankind...that was a hands on job! Then when Adam and Eve needed life, God knelt down and breathed life into those two beautiful piles of dust and they become a living soul!
Did you know there is a difference between the Word and Scriptures? Jesus is the Word...unchanging and all powerful. The Scriptures are parts of The Word in print. John himself said the world could not contain all that Christ was, did, or said...so Scriptures are just part of the Word, but Scriptures tells us this, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” That word inspiration means God Breathed! Let me show you something!
Since the beginning when Adam and Eve sinned, man has needed New Life. New Life is only found in Christ...you know the Word! Christ is no longer walking and talking here on our planet so, how do we find New Life? Great Question! New Life is still found in Christ, the Word, but we only need parts...enter the God Breathed Scriptures! Ready to receive Life? Or maybe you just need a fresh breath of God air! Maybe you’re struggling with sin and you need God to breathe life into you! Whatever you need, you will find it in Scripture! Because it is God Breathed it is LIFE! So when you feel like sin has you wrapped in death’s grip, go to the Scriptures and let God kneel down and breathe new life into you! Let that simmer for a bit!
Pastor Larry Hof
God’s Breathes Life...it has been so since the beginning! He spoke all of creation into existence except for mankind...that was a hands on job! Then when Adam and Eve needed life, God knelt down and breathed life into those two beautiful piles of dust and they become a living soul!
Did you know there is a difference between the Word and Scriptures? Jesus is the Word...unchanging and all powerful. The Scriptures are parts of The Word in print. John himself said the world could not contain all that Christ was, did, or said...so Scriptures are just part of the Word, but Scriptures tells us this, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” That word inspiration means God Breathed! Let me show you something!
Since the beginning when Adam and Eve sinned, man has needed New Life. New Life is only found in Christ...you know the Word! Christ is no longer walking and talking here on our planet so, how do we find New Life? Great Question! New Life is still found in Christ, the Word, but we only need parts...enter the God Breathed Scriptures! Ready to receive Life? Or maybe you just need a fresh breath of God air! Maybe you’re struggling with sin and you need God to breathe life into you! Whatever you need, you will find it in Scripture! Because it is God Breathed it is LIFE! So when you feel like sin has you wrapped in death’s grip, go to the Scriptures and let God kneel down and breathe new life into you! Let that simmer for a bit!
Pastor Larry Hof
Loving When You CannotWalk This WaySing With Me!Planning AheadStop Playing DeadYou Can Because He IsIt's All On YouWhat I Think?A Simple LifeJust Like NewKeeping Things BrightGod's Work of ArtMy Easy TaskSelfish to SelflessMy ShepherdI Thought Mom Said That?Every DayAt Home TooBeloved, Be LovingWhy Am I Being Tested?Here's a Good ExampleWhat Do You Know?Get Humble or Get HumbledFor Your ConsiderationYou Have My WordWhat Never Fails?Hurting?
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