The Answer
The Answer is Jesus
”Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.“
John 14:6
Have you ever asked a question that many might consider, well, foolish? I’ve heard my whole life, “there is no such thing as a stupid question”, but always struggled not to be the one who asked the “not stupid” question. One of Christ’s apostles, Thomas, who had been following Christ for a couple years now, asked while Jesus was trying to help them see the great future plans He had for them for eternity, “Lord, we don’t know where You’re going, how can we know the way to get where You’re going?” I love the Lord’s response! He told Thomas, “I Am”. That answer should be enough for any of us wondering how we might see an eternity without torment. Jesus is how we know the He is the Way to be reconciled to our Creator. Jesus is how we know the Truth...that we are sinners who cannot get to our Creator without the Sinless One. Jesus is how we know Life! Not just everlasting life, but life without the power of sin or the penalty of sin. When you have a question about how to know God or some “higher power” or anything that would answer the question as to why are we here...the Answer is Jesus! Let that simmer for a bit.
Pastor Larry Hof
”Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.“
John 14:6
Have you ever asked a question that many might consider, well, foolish? I’ve heard my whole life, “there is no such thing as a stupid question”, but always struggled not to be the one who asked the “not stupid” question. One of Christ’s apostles, Thomas, who had been following Christ for a couple years now, asked while Jesus was trying to help them see the great future plans He had for them for eternity, “Lord, we don’t know where You’re going, how can we know the way to get where You’re going?” I love the Lord’s response! He told Thomas, “I Am”. That answer should be enough for any of us wondering how we might see an eternity without torment. Jesus is how we know the He is the Way to be reconciled to our Creator. Jesus is how we know the Truth...that we are sinners who cannot get to our Creator without the Sinless One. Jesus is how we know Life! Not just everlasting life, but life without the power of sin or the penalty of sin. When you have a question about how to know God or some “higher power” or anything that would answer the question as to why are we here...the Answer is Jesus! Let that simmer for a bit.
Pastor Larry Hof
Posted in Blessed, God is More, God of All Comfort, Love, Making Plans, Scripture is Illuminating, The Word
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