It's Not About You
It’s Not About You
“I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Acts 20:35
I know I can truly only speak for me, but that is what my life too often is It comes natural though, you know, to just make sure that my world is what I want it to be. Work hard and provide for my family of course but also, I want to be able to have what I want. I mean Solomon told us that we are allowed to enjoy life under the sun in Ecclesiastes, didn’t he? That’s what I am doing, enjoying my life my way. The problem is that is not in fact what life is about. These are not bad things in themselves but when they cause me to wear blinders to the needs of others they are bad things. You see, life for me is supposed to be about helping you, my neighbors, the lady in the grocery aisle, the guy at the pump next to me, the person who just pulled out in front of me, the guy on the exit ramp holding a sign, and the stranger who randomly walks up and says, “I need help” who Jesus is. Jesus gave His life to serve others. He had no home, no vast wardrobe of trendy clothes, no Yelp account to leave reviews the places He ate. He lived to serve. He knew and showed with His life and with His death that it truly is more blessed to give than to receive. In essence Jesus says this to His followers, “I made my life about you, now you make your life about them”.
Pastor Larry Hof
“I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Acts 20:35
I know I can truly only speak for me, but that is what my life too often is It comes natural though, you know, to just make sure that my world is what I want it to be. Work hard and provide for my family of course but also, I want to be able to have what I want. I mean Solomon told us that we are allowed to enjoy life under the sun in Ecclesiastes, didn’t he? That’s what I am doing, enjoying my life my way. The problem is that is not in fact what life is about. These are not bad things in themselves but when they cause me to wear blinders to the needs of others they are bad things. You see, life for me is supposed to be about helping you, my neighbors, the lady in the grocery aisle, the guy at the pump next to me, the person who just pulled out in front of me, the guy on the exit ramp holding a sign, and the stranger who randomly walks up and says, “I need help” who Jesus is. Jesus gave His life to serve others. He had no home, no vast wardrobe of trendy clothes, no Yelp account to leave reviews the places He ate. He lived to serve. He knew and showed with His life and with His death that it truly is more blessed to give than to receive. In essence Jesus says this to His followers, “I made my life about you, now you make your life about them”.
Pastor Larry Hof
Loving When You CannotWalk This WaySing With Me!Planning AheadStop Playing DeadYou Can Because He IsIt's All On YouWhat I Think?A Simple LifeJust Like NewKeeping Things BrightGod's Work of ArtMy Easy TaskSelfish to SelflessMy ShepherdI Thought Mom Said That?Every DayAt Home TooBeloved, Be LovingWhy Am I Being Tested?Here's a Good ExampleWhat Do You Know?Get Humble or Get HumbledFor Your ConsiderationYou Have My WordWhat Never Fails?Hurting?
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