When We See
When We See
“And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee. And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him.”
John 9:37-38
Have you ever heard the saying, “Seeing is Believing”? Well imagine you had never seen before...born blind...it is hard to imagine if you have never had to go without sight, isn’t it. How very difficult it must be to dwell in perpetual darkness with no hope of seeing what is going on around you. No idea how to get anywhere or if people are being serious or mean or disingenuous since you cannot see facial expressions. I’ve heard that those who are blind are more adept with their other senses, but any person I’ve known that is blind would rather have sight than higher functioning hearing and smelling.
Jesus met a man one day who was born blind. His followers asked Him, “Jesus, who sinned to make this man blind, him or his parents?” Jesus simply told them their perspective was not right. Did you know God does things that we think harsh or unkind to show others just Who He is? We seem to think that there is always someone to blame for some situation we are in. I believe that if we blame others for where we are it is almost impossible to go anywhere else. This blind man had never seen anyone in his life when a stranger comes and puts spit filled dirt on his eyes! Then this same man tells you to go somewhere else, still blind, and wash the dirt. Sound’s like Jesus is being mean doesn’t it?
The blind man did what Jesus said and as soon as the dirt was washed from his eyes, he could see! I imagine he was ok with the actions of this stranger. Well this miracle caused quite the scene in town with the church leadership and some memberships came into question...church people can be a pill can’t they? But eventually this man after being kicked out of church and having his membership revoked had to have been dumbfounded, ran into Jesus, whom he had met, but never seen...
The Bible says this after the man asked who Jesus was in John 9, “And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee. And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him.”
You know why this once blind man worshiped Jesus? He could see Him...not just with his now functioning eyes, but with his life, He saw Christ. Do you know what happened next? He worshiped Jesus! What if this man was bitter with his parents because he was blind? Or bitter at the church for being self-righteous gas bags? What if he kept blaming people for where he was? When we can’t see the why of something we want to blame others. This makes us blind to what’s real...no matter the situation, when we see Jesus, things change. Let that simmer for a bit.
Pastor Larry Hof
“And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee. And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him.”
John 9:37-38
Have you ever heard the saying, “Seeing is Believing”? Well imagine you had never seen before...born blind...it is hard to imagine if you have never had to go without sight, isn’t it. How very difficult it must be to dwell in perpetual darkness with no hope of seeing what is going on around you. No idea how to get anywhere or if people are being serious or mean or disingenuous since you cannot see facial expressions. I’ve heard that those who are blind are more adept with their other senses, but any person I’ve known that is blind would rather have sight than higher functioning hearing and smelling.
Jesus met a man one day who was born blind. His followers asked Him, “Jesus, who sinned to make this man blind, him or his parents?” Jesus simply told them their perspective was not right. Did you know God does things that we think harsh or unkind to show others just Who He is? We seem to think that there is always someone to blame for some situation we are in. I believe that if we blame others for where we are it is almost impossible to go anywhere else. This blind man had never seen anyone in his life when a stranger comes and puts spit filled dirt on his eyes! Then this same man tells you to go somewhere else, still blind, and wash the dirt. Sound’s like Jesus is being mean doesn’t it?
The blind man did what Jesus said and as soon as the dirt was washed from his eyes, he could see! I imagine he was ok with the actions of this stranger. Well this miracle caused quite the scene in town with the church leadership and some memberships came into question...church people can be a pill can’t they? But eventually this man after being kicked out of church and having his membership revoked had to have been dumbfounded, ran into Jesus, whom he had met, but never seen...
The Bible says this after the man asked who Jesus was in John 9, “And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee. And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him.”
You know why this once blind man worshiped Jesus? He could see Him...not just with his now functioning eyes, but with his life, He saw Christ. Do you know what happened next? He worshiped Jesus! What if this man was bitter with his parents because he was blind? Or bitter at the church for being self-righteous gas bags? What if he kept blaming people for where he was? When we can’t see the why of something we want to blame others. This makes us blind to what’s real...no matter the situation, when we see Jesus, things change. Let that simmer for a bit.
Pastor Larry Hof
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