Proper Time to Praise
Proper Time to Praise
“From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same The LORD's name is to be praised.”
Psalm 113:3
Have you ever thought about when it might be the right time to praise the Lord. If you’re thinking about it then I would say the time is now. That is what this verse is saying. This entire Psalm is about how we should praise the Lord. It says that His servants are blessed, so, they ought to praise Him! It says that He is God for evermore...that means He does not change, so if He was worthy of all praise yesterday, then He is worthy of all praise today! Praise is simply an outpouring of how we feel about God. If you are struggling to praise Him, I would stop and ask the Holy Spirit to point out why. The situation you may be in did not change who He is or who you are in Him. The person you may be focused on because they are the reason you feel the way you do did not rob God of any of His power. The trial that has you turning to fear, dread, or worry did not place a border or boundary over the God of all power. So if God doesn’t change and I can’t find it within myself to praise Him then what do I do? Praise Him anyway! “Ok, Larry, when do I do that? I mean I am right in the middle of something right now.” Well, I hear you and I say this, if you’re alive and you’re awake you will always be in the middle of something, my question is, wouldn’t you rather God be in the Middle of it with You? Well, praise is your invitation for Him to join you! The answer to “when is the right time to praise the Lord?” is RIGHT NOW!
Pastor Larry Hof
“From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same The LORD's name is to be praised.”
Psalm 113:3
Have you ever thought about when it might be the right time to praise the Lord. If you’re thinking about it then I would say the time is now. That is what this verse is saying. This entire Psalm is about how we should praise the Lord. It says that His servants are blessed, so, they ought to praise Him! It says that He is God for evermore...that means He does not change, so if He was worthy of all praise yesterday, then He is worthy of all praise today! Praise is simply an outpouring of how we feel about God. If you are struggling to praise Him, I would stop and ask the Holy Spirit to point out why. The situation you may be in did not change who He is or who you are in Him. The person you may be focused on because they are the reason you feel the way you do did not rob God of any of His power. The trial that has you turning to fear, dread, or worry did not place a border or boundary over the God of all power. So if God doesn’t change and I can’t find it within myself to praise Him then what do I do? Praise Him anyway! “Ok, Larry, when do I do that? I mean I am right in the middle of something right now.” Well, I hear you and I say this, if you’re alive and you’re awake you will always be in the middle of something, my question is, wouldn’t you rather God be in the Middle of it with You? Well, praise is your invitation for Him to join you! The answer to “when is the right time to praise the Lord?” is RIGHT NOW!
Pastor Larry Hof
Posted in When Should I Praise God?
Posted in praise, worship, life is hard, times are tough, where is God, why am I here
Posted in praise, worship, life is hard, times are tough, where is God, why am I here
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