God Will Always Be More
God Will Always Be More
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”
Ephesians 3:20-21
God is the Great, High, Covenant Keeping, Self-Sufficient, All Powerful, Always Present, All Knowing, Merciful, Gracious, Patient, and Loving God of all Creation. With that sentence I have barely scratched the surface of the Who that God is. He is my Strength, my Peace, my Joy, my LOVE! He is my Refuge, my Provider, my Lord, and my Master. He is VERY present help in trouble. He is the I AM! That’s what He told Moses when Moses asked, “who do I tell them You are”...He is SO much He could only answer, and quite completely I might add, with “I AM”. That is just it...that is Who God is, He is whatever He says you need Him to be. He is everything His Word says and more. He will always be greater than my trial. He will always be bigger than my problem. He will always be stronger than my storm. He will ALWAYS be More! There is no enemy greater, there is no force with more power. There is no situation that catches Him of guard. That is just Who God is, but...only if you know Jesus. All that God is will only be fairy tale in this life and a never ending nightmare in the afterlife. One of Jesus’ disciples asked Him to show them the Father. Jesus’ reply was simple, and I Larryphrase, “How have you spent so much time with Me and now ask me to show you the Father”. You see, Jesus is all that God is, and God will always be more.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song to go with today.
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”
Ephesians 3:20-21
God is the Great, High, Covenant Keeping, Self-Sufficient, All Powerful, Always Present, All Knowing, Merciful, Gracious, Patient, and Loving God of all Creation. With that sentence I have barely scratched the surface of the Who that God is. He is my Strength, my Peace, my Joy, my LOVE! He is my Refuge, my Provider, my Lord, and my Master. He is VERY present help in trouble. He is the I AM! That’s what He told Moses when Moses asked, “who do I tell them You are”...He is SO much He could only answer, and quite completely I might add, with “I AM”. That is just it...that is Who God is, He is whatever He says you need Him to be. He is everything His Word says and more. He will always be greater than my trial. He will always be bigger than my problem. He will always be stronger than my storm. He will ALWAYS be More! There is no enemy greater, there is no force with more power. There is no situation that catches Him of guard. That is just Who God is, but...only if you know Jesus. All that God is will only be fairy tale in this life and a never ending nightmare in the afterlife. One of Jesus’ disciples asked Him to show them the Father. Jesus’ reply was simple, and I Larryphrase, “How have you spent so much time with Me and now ask me to show you the Father”. You see, Jesus is all that God is, and God will always be more.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song to go with today.
Posted in The God of the Impossible, God is More
Posted in tired?, weary, hurting, need help, God Can, God Will, Try Jesus
Posted in tired?, weary, hurting, need help, God Can, God Will, Try Jesus
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