Planning Ahead
Planning Ahead
“There are many devices in a man's heart; Nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand.”
Proverbs 19:21
Do you ever sit and help God out with your future? I know I do. I may see a problem or a situation that is coming up and I will sit and start to tell God, “you know if you just did this right here, or put something like that over there”. Sadly there are other times when I don’t even include God in the planning process. I see that something needs done and I forge ahead as if to look up and say, “I got this Lord”. That’s what our devices are, they are us planning ahead, whether if be for God or without Him. Do you know what is so amazing? God knows this about us! He knows this and it doesn’t affect Him at all. God doesn’t sit there and watch or listen to me as I “help” Him and think, “Well, Larry, that is a very good point that I haven’t thought of yet. Will do!”; nor is He thinking, “How dare you instruct me on how I do things!”.(although He did say something like that to Job and his friends) No, God is going to do what God knows is best. His Word tells us that His thoughts towards us are good! It tells us that He WILL work all things out for our good and His glory through Christ Jesus!
The next time I catch myself “planning ahead” for God, I hope the in-dwelling spirit will remind me that God already has a plan and I would do well to be in it with the right heart and attitude! Jonah was in God’s plan as he sat outside Nineveh cursing the fact that God had spared them...I don’t want to be a biting bitter baptist bent on being brash. I want to be the child of God that shows others who Jesus is no matter the situation. I think I will plan ahead to not plan ahead.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for the day.
“There are many devices in a man's heart; Nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand.”
Proverbs 19:21
Do you ever sit and help God out with your future? I know I do. I may see a problem or a situation that is coming up and I will sit and start to tell God, “you know if you just did this right here, or put something like that over there”. Sadly there are other times when I don’t even include God in the planning process. I see that something needs done and I forge ahead as if to look up and say, “I got this Lord”. That’s what our devices are, they are us planning ahead, whether if be for God or without Him. Do you know what is so amazing? God knows this about us! He knows this and it doesn’t affect Him at all. God doesn’t sit there and watch or listen to me as I “help” Him and think, “Well, Larry, that is a very good point that I haven’t thought of yet. Will do!”; nor is He thinking, “How dare you instruct me on how I do things!”.(although He did say something like that to Job and his friends) No, God is going to do what God knows is best. His Word tells us that His thoughts towards us are good! It tells us that He WILL work all things out for our good and His glory through Christ Jesus!
The next time I catch myself “planning ahead” for God, I hope the in-dwelling spirit will remind me that God already has a plan and I would do well to be in it with the right heart and attitude! Jonah was in God’s plan as he sat outside Nineveh cursing the fact that God had spared them...I don’t want to be a biting bitter baptist bent on being brash. I want to be the child of God that shows others who Jesus is no matter the situation. I think I will plan ahead to not plan ahead.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for the day.
Posted in Making Plans
Posted in planning, bitter baptist, making plans, God knows best, get IN God\'s Plan
Posted in planning, bitter baptist, making plans, God knows best, get IN God\'s Plan
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