Beloved, Be Loving
Beloved, Be Loving
“Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.”
1 John 4:11
We all want to be loved. The most hard hearted curmudgeon has a desire for someone to love them, no matter what they say. It is part of our Creator’s design. We are emotional beings with a great aptitude for feeling and there is no greater feeling than the knowledge that someone loves you.
It is a very simple yet quite profound FACT that God Almighty loves you. Whoever you might be is irrelevant because of Who God is. God IS love. Not that it is a character trait of His or part of what He is Who He is. In other words, love would not exist without God. The very concept of it would be as foreign to us as a son of Krypton came and lived on this planet...fiction at best. However the fact is that God is Love. God is for you and God Loves YOU! So BE LOVED! Bask in the knowledge that not just somebody, but the God of all creation loves little ole you!
Now, if you’re being loved (that’s the present tense for beloved) then let me propose something to you! Well, I’m not proposing it, God said it in this verse, but I’m gonna larryphrase it! If we are being loved, understanding that we know that God loves us right were we are and how that makes us feel, would it not make sense that we try to help others know they are loved? Now I know we could go around and tell people, “God loves you”, but what is love? Isn’t love an action where the one giving the love gives it without partiality or discrimination? Isn’t that love to be for all right where they are? Shouldn’t it be some sacrifice of themselves to help the object of that love to know they are loved? And then shouldn’t it be given without any consideration of how it is received? God is calling the Beloved to Be Loving!
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
“Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.”
1 John 4:11
We all want to be loved. The most hard hearted curmudgeon has a desire for someone to love them, no matter what they say. It is part of our Creator’s design. We are emotional beings with a great aptitude for feeling and there is no greater feeling than the knowledge that someone loves you.
It is a very simple yet quite profound FACT that God Almighty loves you. Whoever you might be is irrelevant because of Who God is. God IS love. Not that it is a character trait of His or part of what He is Who He is. In other words, love would not exist without God. The very concept of it would be as foreign to us as a son of Krypton came and lived on this planet...fiction at best. However the fact is that God is Love. God is for you and God Loves YOU! So BE LOVED! Bask in the knowledge that not just somebody, but the God of all creation loves little ole you!
Now, if you’re being loved (that’s the present tense for beloved) then let me propose something to you! Well, I’m not proposing it, God said it in this verse, but I’m gonna larryphrase it! If we are being loved, understanding that we know that God loves us right were we are and how that makes us feel, would it not make sense that we try to help others know they are loved? Now I know we could go around and tell people, “God loves you”, but what is love? Isn’t love an action where the one giving the love gives it without partiality or discrimination? Isn’t that love to be for all right where they are? Shouldn’t it be some sacrifice of themselves to help the object of that love to know they are loved? And then shouldn’t it be given without any consideration of how it is received? God is calling the Beloved to Be Loving!
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
Loving When You CannotWalk This WaySing With Me!Planning AheadStop Playing DeadYou Can Because He IsIt's All On YouWhat I Think?A Simple LifeJust Like NewKeeping Things BrightGod's Work of ArtMy Easy TaskSelfish to SelflessMy ShepherdI Thought Mom Said That?Every DayAt Home TooBeloved, Be LovingWhy Am I Being Tested?Here's a Good ExampleWhat Do You Know?Get Humble or Get HumbledFor Your ConsiderationYou Have My WordWhat Never Fails?Hurting?
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