Get Humble or Get Humbled
Get Humble or Get Humbled
“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:”
1 Peter 5:6
The verse just before this gem reminds us that God resists the proud. This means that if I come to Him with some/any pretense that I matter it literally repels Him. He cannot be all that He is to be within me if I am being at all who I am. Humility is not how we present ourselves before our fellow human but is about how we present ourselves before a very holy, righteous God. Just because we are to come boldly in all that Christ is to the Father’s Throne of Grace does not give us liberty to be all we want to be. There is a difference between comes as you are and come as you want to be. Come as you are is a realization of our deep brokenness due to our present and prevalent sin, for that is who we are. If my attendance to God’s Throne of Grace is not superseded by my awareness of who I truly am then it is a trip made in vain.
A caution to all who would struggle to enter into the Creator God’s Holy Place with any similitude of humility, He does know how to humble us. We would do well to get humble so that we do not get humbled. The difference is night and day, light and dark, and the choice is ours. When we choose to come to Him fully aware of our sin sickness and total brokenness, it is simply miraculous how He then lifts us up as if to say, “This is my beloved Child, in who I Am well pleased!”.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:”
1 Peter 5:6
The verse just before this gem reminds us that God resists the proud. This means that if I come to Him with some/any pretense that I matter it literally repels Him. He cannot be all that He is to be within me if I am being at all who I am. Humility is not how we present ourselves before our fellow human but is about how we present ourselves before a very holy, righteous God. Just because we are to come boldly in all that Christ is to the Father’s Throne of Grace does not give us liberty to be all we want to be. There is a difference between comes as you are and come as you want to be. Come as you are is a realization of our deep brokenness due to our present and prevalent sin, for that is who we are. If my attendance to God’s Throne of Grace is not superseded by my awareness of who I truly am then it is a trip made in vain.
A caution to all who would struggle to enter into the Creator God’s Holy Place with any similitude of humility, He does know how to humble us. We would do well to get humble so that we do not get humbled. The difference is night and day, light and dark, and the choice is ours. When we choose to come to Him fully aware of our sin sickness and total brokenness, it is simply miraculous how He then lifts us up as if to say, “This is my beloved Child, in who I Am well pleased!”.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
Posted in God is More, Living Sacrifice, Praying for Help, Get Humble
Posted in humility, get humble, getting humbled, Holy, sin sick, broken
Posted in humility, get humble, getting humbled, Holy, sin sick, broken
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