“The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; And saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”
Psalm 34:18
Solomon tells us that while laughter is good, it is the sorrow that takes us to a place of reflection. It is the hard times in life, the difficult circumstances that take us to a place of introspection. God does this for, yes I said for, His children. He takes us to a place where we must become broken. He allows us to be in storms that we feel will bring us to our end. He puts mountains in front of us that simply cannot be scaled. He allows our foolish choices to make us wind up in a pig pen. He is a loving God and a perfect designer. He knows exactly how to make us look in for answers and when they are not found, He hopes we choose to look up.
It is these hard, difficult, impossible times that take us to a place of brokenness. It is from this place of brokenness that God is now able to come and with supernatural results. His presence will calm the storm. His power will move the mountain. His passion will pull us from the pig pen.
Are you hurting? Do you know the Healer? Are you broken? Do you know the Potter? Are you contrite? Do you know the Redeemer?
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today?
“The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; And saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”
Psalm 34:18
Solomon tells us that while laughter is good, it is the sorrow that takes us to a place of reflection. It is the hard times in life, the difficult circumstances that take us to a place of introspection. God does this for, yes I said for, His children. He takes us to a place where we must become broken. He allows us to be in storms that we feel will bring us to our end. He puts mountains in front of us that simply cannot be scaled. He allows our foolish choices to make us wind up in a pig pen. He is a loving God and a perfect designer. He knows exactly how to make us look in for answers and when they are not found, He hopes we choose to look up.
It is these hard, difficult, impossible times that take us to a place of brokenness. It is from this place of brokenness that God is now able to come and with supernatural results. His presence will calm the storm. His power will move the mountain. His passion will pull us from the pig pen.
Are you hurting? Do you know the Healer? Are you broken? Do you know the Potter? Are you contrite? Do you know the Redeemer?
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today?
Posted in God is More, God of All Comfort
Posted in hurting, hurt, brokenness, healing, Healer, God of All Comfort
Posted in hurting, hurt, brokenness, healing, Healer, God of All Comfort
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