Where Do You Want Me To Stand?
Where Do You Want Me To Stand?
“There is none holy as the LORD: For there is none beside thee: Neither is there any rock like our God.”
1 Samuel 2:2
I love this story! Hannah who had been childless was now going to have a son! She had been so broken that when she went to worship all she could do was fall on her knees and beg God. The Bible says that she “poured out her soul” before the Lord in her prayer for God to bless her with a child. Samuel the priest at that time was like a lot of us in church today when we see someone so broken we don’t know what to do with them and we assume that they’re drunk or high on something. It is a sad thing that we are so unfamiliar with brokenness because we seem to have most of life figured out. Real brokenness is the only way to see real victory!
Hannah had come to realize that all her efforts, all her anger, all her bitterness towards her husband, towards his other wife...(did you know people in the Bible are just as messed up as we are?) were never going to get her where she wanted to be. So, she turned to the One who is Holy, Just, True, a Solid Rock on which to stand! We need to get ahold of this. We need to understand that no matter how well you think you are doing, if you’re doing it without the Holy One you are missing out on what only He can provide.
We love to take a stand on some principle. We love to make a stand when we see some injustice from our perspective. We love to, much like Samuel the prophet, believe that we have it figured out and “see” exactly who other people are. While we take or make our self-righteous stand we are missing out on what God really wants us to see. The person we are holding in contempt might just be at the end of their rope after taking a great stand of their own and now they’re simply broken. They are begging God to be their Rock. They are asking Him to help them stand on Him over all else. Next time we see someone like that, maybe we need to let the Holy Spirit break us and give us a Sure Rock to stand on instead of our principled pebble.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
“There is none holy as the LORD: For there is none beside thee: Neither is there any rock like our God.”
1 Samuel 2:2
I love this story! Hannah who had been childless was now going to have a son! She had been so broken that when she went to worship all she could do was fall on her knees and beg God. The Bible says that she “poured out her soul” before the Lord in her prayer for God to bless her with a child. Samuel the priest at that time was like a lot of us in church today when we see someone so broken we don’t know what to do with them and we assume that they’re drunk or high on something. It is a sad thing that we are so unfamiliar with brokenness because we seem to have most of life figured out. Real brokenness is the only way to see real victory!
Hannah had come to realize that all her efforts, all her anger, all her bitterness towards her husband, towards his other wife...(did you know people in the Bible are just as messed up as we are?) were never going to get her where she wanted to be. So, she turned to the One who is Holy, Just, True, a Solid Rock on which to stand! We need to get ahold of this. We need to understand that no matter how well you think you are doing, if you’re doing it without the Holy One you are missing out on what only He can provide.
We love to take a stand on some principle. We love to make a stand when we see some injustice from our perspective. We love to, much like Samuel the prophet, believe that we have it figured out and “see” exactly who other people are. While we take or make our self-righteous stand we are missing out on what God really wants us to see. The person we are holding in contempt might just be at the end of their rope after taking a great stand of their own and now they’re simply broken. They are begging God to be their Rock. They are asking Him to help them stand on Him over all else. Next time we see someone like that, maybe we need to let the Holy Spirit break us and give us a Sure Rock to stand on instead of our principled pebble.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
Posted in Get Humble, God is More, God of All Comfort, Making Plans
Posted in take a stand, poured out, broken, brokeness, the Rock, Holy
Posted in take a stand, poured out, broken, brokeness, the Rock, Holy
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