Who's Your Father?
Who’s Your Father?
“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”
Matthew 5:9
Imagine that you have just seen the best view of God. Whether in His Word or through one of His children, but you had no doubt you have just encountered His presence! You have been laying down who you are for a few days and allowing Him to work in you through His Holy Spirit and His Holy Word. You have subjected your sinful flesh to allow Christ to be your identity! You have never felt more pure of heart and you know you have spent time with your Redeemer! Your Creator! The One Who loves your soul! I hope you don’t have to imagine it, I hope you’re experiencing it often! That is peace with God! Knowing you’re forgiven. Knowing you have confessed and fled from all sin in your life and at least in the now you are as close to the Almighty as you have ever been. Pretty sweet, right? Shouldn’t my wife know that same peace? How about my children, my neighbors, my colleagues, my church family, the lady who sleeps on the corner at that store sometimes, the people that I would usually stay away from because of their appearance. Don’t all of these people need to know that same peace?
I don’t imagine that my three kids who are adults now go around shouting, “I am the child of Larry & Kristie Hof!” That would be weird. What if someone asks them, “who’s your parents?” What would they say? Would they deflect as to not want to seem like they cared too much? Would they go into great detail about their childhood? I suppose the circumstance would dictate the depth and direction of the conversation. I hope it wouldn’t be that they were ashamed of me or that they just didn’t care.
I wonder if as God’s child today and someone asked me about my situation, would I allow how I feel in the moment to dictate how I show them the Prince of Peace or would I just tell them exactly Who Christ is to me? God’s children want others to know the peace they do...or at least we should.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”
Matthew 5:9
Imagine that you have just seen the best view of God. Whether in His Word or through one of His children, but you had no doubt you have just encountered His presence! You have been laying down who you are for a few days and allowing Him to work in you through His Holy Spirit and His Holy Word. You have subjected your sinful flesh to allow Christ to be your identity! You have never felt more pure of heart and you know you have spent time with your Redeemer! Your Creator! The One Who loves your soul! I hope you don’t have to imagine it, I hope you’re experiencing it often! That is peace with God! Knowing you’re forgiven. Knowing you have confessed and fled from all sin in your life and at least in the now you are as close to the Almighty as you have ever been. Pretty sweet, right? Shouldn’t my wife know that same peace? How about my children, my neighbors, my colleagues, my church family, the lady who sleeps on the corner at that store sometimes, the people that I would usually stay away from because of their appearance. Don’t all of these people need to know that same peace?
I don’t imagine that my three kids who are adults now go around shouting, “I am the child of Larry & Kristie Hof!” That would be weird. What if someone asks them, “who’s your parents?” What would they say? Would they deflect as to not want to seem like they cared too much? Would they go into great detail about their childhood? I suppose the circumstance would dictate the depth and direction of the conversation. I hope it wouldn’t be that they were ashamed of me or that they just didn’t care.
I wonder if as God’s child today and someone asked me about my situation, would I allow how I feel in the moment to dictate how I show them the Prince of Peace or would I just tell them exactly Who Christ is to me? God’s children want others to know the peace they do...or at least we should.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
Posted in Get Humble, God is More, I Identify As..., The Word
Posted in peace, peacemaker, blessed, God the Father
Posted in peace, peacemaker, blessed, God the Father
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