Need Ammo?
Need Ammo?
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
The battle is on. Sadly most of us on most days forget that we are in a spiritual battle. However, let’s be careful not to start looking for enemies to fight outside of ourselves. My spouse is not the enemy. My neighbor is not my enemy. My children, my church family, the people who openly disagree with me or stand in a different doctrinal place are not my enemy. They do not control my thoughts and intentions. I do...well at least I am supposed to.
I write these devotional blogs each day because these are me loading up my weapon for the day. The only thing I have to battle my greatest enemy is the spirit God has given me. That spirit is given strength to fight my flesh, my thoughts, my intentions with verses like this. They are ammo. Each blog, each day is me loading up for the fight. I’m going to be honest though, my intentions are to help you, those few who take the time to read these devotions of mine. I want to help you load your weapon to fight your enemy. Many days I want that for you at the expense of me and I fail to load my weapon with the right ammo.
If you know anything about guns you would know that if you carry a .380 you need .380 ammo rounds in order to use it. If you were to try to load .45 caliber ammo into the .380 weapon you would have two useless items meant to protect you in a battle as you ward off or destroy the enemy. You need the right ammo for the right weapon. We are all differently equipped to fight in specific ways. I cannot give you the ammo you need everyday and expect to get what I need everyday.
Today’s verse was a reminder to me that we can be convinced of things that would lead us to believe lies about the character of God or the purpose of God in our lives. The passage calls them “imaginations”. These lies feel more than true and we then allow the enemy a strong hold in our lives. Strong holds are difficult to get rid of in warfare. They need a precision strike, meant for that stronghold. God’s Word gives the God given in dwelling spirit precise instructions to remove those strongholds. YOU NEED THOSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOU! I need those instructions for me. We need them to be precise in the battle we are in.
With that being said, the blog will not be an everyday thing for awhile. I have some battles in my life that I need to focus on my General so I might get the instructions I need. If I feel that He wants me to share those instructions with you, I will. I love sharing God’s Word with you and pray that you will start loading up your ammo each day, for yourselves.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
The battle is on. Sadly most of us on most days forget that we are in a spiritual battle. However, let’s be careful not to start looking for enemies to fight outside of ourselves. My spouse is not the enemy. My neighbor is not my enemy. My children, my church family, the people who openly disagree with me or stand in a different doctrinal place are not my enemy. They do not control my thoughts and intentions. I do...well at least I am supposed to.
I write these devotional blogs each day because these are me loading up my weapon for the day. The only thing I have to battle my greatest enemy is the spirit God has given me. That spirit is given strength to fight my flesh, my thoughts, my intentions with verses like this. They are ammo. Each blog, each day is me loading up for the fight. I’m going to be honest though, my intentions are to help you, those few who take the time to read these devotions of mine. I want to help you load your weapon to fight your enemy. Many days I want that for you at the expense of me and I fail to load my weapon with the right ammo.
If you know anything about guns you would know that if you carry a .380 you need .380 ammo rounds in order to use it. If you were to try to load .45 caliber ammo into the .380 weapon you would have two useless items meant to protect you in a battle as you ward off or destroy the enemy. You need the right ammo for the right weapon. We are all differently equipped to fight in specific ways. I cannot give you the ammo you need everyday and expect to get what I need everyday.
Today’s verse was a reminder to me that we can be convinced of things that would lead us to believe lies about the character of God or the purpose of God in our lives. The passage calls them “imaginations”. These lies feel more than true and we then allow the enemy a strong hold in our lives. Strong holds are difficult to get rid of in warfare. They need a precision strike, meant for that stronghold. God’s Word gives the God given in dwelling spirit precise instructions to remove those strongholds. YOU NEED THOSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOU! I need those instructions for me. We need them to be precise in the battle we are in.
With that being said, the blog will not be an everyday thing for awhile. I have some battles in my life that I need to focus on my General so I might get the instructions I need. If I feel that He wants me to share those instructions with you, I will. I love sharing God’s Word with you and pray that you will start loading up your ammo each day, for yourselves.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
Loving When You CannotWalk This WaySing With Me!Planning AheadStop Playing DeadYou Can Because He IsIt's All On YouWhat I Think?A Simple LifeJust Like NewKeeping Things BrightGod's Work of ArtMy Easy TaskSelfish to SelflessMy ShepherdI Thought Mom Said That?Every DayAt Home TooBeloved, Be LovingWhy Am I Being Tested?Here's a Good ExampleWhat Do You Know?Get Humble or Get HumbledFor Your ConsiderationYou Have My WordWhat Never Fails?Hurting?
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