Why Am I Being Tested?
Why Am I Being Tested?
Wouldn’t it be great if life never had any issues? You know, house, office, and life are clean and cared for. All the bills are paid and more than enough resources for that to continue without worry. All the things that used to before Christ have no effect or bearing on your everyday life. You have great victory over any sin that may have once had a hold on you, and every body loves everything about you. Yeah, that sounds, well, perfect! We might even call it, heaven on earth!
Do you remember when the disciples asked Christ to teach them to pray? There was one part that said something like, “and lead us not into temptation”...do you remember that? Temptation has a purpose. As a matter of fact James chapter 1 really helps us understand the purpose of temptation. Temptation is a test or trial that we go through. Like getting a disconnect notice for your electricity and having no way to pay...will we allow this fill us with worry or will we allow God’s Word and Presence fill us with faith? What about when the lights get turned off, is God any less good? Has he abandoned us?
What about when we are not getting along with our spouse and it’s just too hard to deal with all the turmoil, but there is this “friend” who we can really talk to, they just happen to be of the opposite sex. Will we continue to confide in them as we allow our hearts to begin to knit together or will we recognize the presence of temptation and go and just have the needed fight so that we can make up with our spouse?
Temptations and trials have a purpose...have you figured out what that purpose might be yet? God promised that with any trial or temptation that He would give us an out. He promised that no temptation would be more than we could handle, but that we would see a way out of the temptation, if we looked to Him. James tells us, “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” in chapter 1.
Temptations and trials have a purpose and that purpose is to cause us to make a choice. Do I love me or do I love Christ? Every trial, every temptation can be boiled down to that simple truth, what choice will I make in this situation? Will I allow who I am to deal with things the way I want or will I choose to wait on God’s escape plan so that I can prove to my flesh that I love Jesus?! Why am I being tested? Because God loves me and wants me to love Him.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today?
Wouldn’t it be great if life never had any issues? You know, house, office, and life are clean and cared for. All the bills are paid and more than enough resources for that to continue without worry. All the things that used to before Christ have no effect or bearing on your everyday life. You have great victory over any sin that may have once had a hold on you, and every body loves everything about you. Yeah, that sounds, well, perfect! We might even call it, heaven on earth!
Do you remember when the disciples asked Christ to teach them to pray? There was one part that said something like, “and lead us not into temptation”...do you remember that? Temptation has a purpose. As a matter of fact James chapter 1 really helps us understand the purpose of temptation. Temptation is a test or trial that we go through. Like getting a disconnect notice for your electricity and having no way to pay...will we allow this fill us with worry or will we allow God’s Word and Presence fill us with faith? What about when the lights get turned off, is God any less good? Has he abandoned us?
What about when we are not getting along with our spouse and it’s just too hard to deal with all the turmoil, but there is this “friend” who we can really talk to, they just happen to be of the opposite sex. Will we continue to confide in them as we allow our hearts to begin to knit together or will we recognize the presence of temptation and go and just have the needed fight so that we can make up with our spouse?
Temptations and trials have a purpose...have you figured out what that purpose might be yet? God promised that with any trial or temptation that He would give us an out. He promised that no temptation would be more than we could handle, but that we would see a way out of the temptation, if we looked to Him. James tells us, “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” in chapter 1.
Temptations and trials have a purpose and that purpose is to cause us to make a choice. Do I love me or do I love Christ? Every trial, every temptation can be boiled down to that simple truth, what choice will I make in this situation? Will I allow who I am to deal with things the way I want or will I choose to wait on God’s escape plan so that I can prove to my flesh that I love Jesus?! Why am I being tested? Because God loves me and wants me to love Him.
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today?
Loving When You CannotWalk This WaySing With Me!Planning AheadStop Playing DeadYou Can Because He IsIt's All On YouWhat I Think?A Simple LifeJust Like NewKeeping Things BrightGod's Work of ArtMy Easy TaskSelfish to SelflessMy ShepherdI Thought Mom Said That?Every DayAt Home TooBeloved, Be LovingWhy Am I Being Tested?Here's a Good ExampleWhat Do You Know?Get Humble or Get HumbledFor Your ConsiderationYou Have My WordWhat Never Fails?Hurting?
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