Music that Moves
Music that Moves
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
Colossians 3:16
Did you know that what you listen to will have an influence on you? We get to choose what it is that speaks into our lives. Now as a child of God I shouldn’t be allowing anything to speak into my life greater than the Lord. His Word should be like my spiritual coffee each day, strong and abundant! I love starting my day off with the Word of God...but sadly even many of us that do that are satisfied to let that be enough. We may start our day off with the Lord but we don’t allow Him to speak to us again until tomorrow. Paul tells us in Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Do you know what “richly” means? It means to be full of and abundant! Is that how we are with the Word of God?
Let me switch gears here for just a moment...well, not really, but, music is powerful! Music is one of the great “sowers of discord among the brethren”. Christians can get very persnickety concerning their preference of “church” music. What cracks me up is some of the most strict folks about what is played in a church service will listen to some very ungodly stuff in their own personal lives...but they read their Bible, so it’s ok, right? I’m not trying to speak against secular music, that is a different subject, but the New Testament doesn’t give us rules on what kind of music we should have in churches except right here, it this passage...
This verse commands us to allow God’s Word to be abundant in our lives but more interesting is this, music ought to move us according to this verse. This verse is talking about music IN church. First the church (that’s us, God’s Kids) must allow the Word of to be what directs us, not our preferences. Second, we are to use music to “admonish” one another...that means our music MUST have so much God in it, it convicts us to want to be closer to HIM! “Well it has to be the right kind of music, Larry.” I couldn’t agree more! The verse tells us the right kind of music! Psalms, or a set piece of music sang as an ode to God; or hymns, an ode to celebrate God; or spiritual songs, songs that aren’t about our flesh, but about God.
Let me make this real simple. Let God’s Word and God’s Spirit, you know the two things we must have to worship, dwell richly in you as you go to church and sing songs that are about God, for God, to God...and if they don’t make you feel better about Him than you feel about you, then come together as a church and figure out where you ALL went wrong!
Pastor Larry Hof
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
Colossians 3:16
Did you know that what you listen to will have an influence on you? We get to choose what it is that speaks into our lives. Now as a child of God I shouldn’t be allowing anything to speak into my life greater than the Lord. His Word should be like my spiritual coffee each day, strong and abundant! I love starting my day off with the Word of God...but sadly even many of us that do that are satisfied to let that be enough. We may start our day off with the Lord but we don’t allow Him to speak to us again until tomorrow. Paul tells us in Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Do you know what “richly” means? It means to be full of and abundant! Is that how we are with the Word of God?
Let me switch gears here for just a moment...well, not really, but, music is powerful! Music is one of the great “sowers of discord among the brethren”. Christians can get very persnickety concerning their preference of “church” music. What cracks me up is some of the most strict folks about what is played in a church service will listen to some very ungodly stuff in their own personal lives...but they read their Bible, so it’s ok, right? I’m not trying to speak against secular music, that is a different subject, but the New Testament doesn’t give us rules on what kind of music we should have in churches except right here, it this passage...
This verse commands us to allow God’s Word to be abundant in our lives but more interesting is this, music ought to move us according to this verse. This verse is talking about music IN church. First the church (that’s us, God’s Kids) must allow the Word of to be what directs us, not our preferences. Second, we are to use music to “admonish” one another...that means our music MUST have so much God in it, it convicts us to want to be closer to HIM! “Well it has to be the right kind of music, Larry.” I couldn’t agree more! The verse tells us the right kind of music! Psalms, or a set piece of music sang as an ode to God; or hymns, an ode to celebrate God; or spiritual songs, songs that aren’t about our flesh, but about God.
Let me make this real simple. Let God’s Word and God’s Spirit, you know the two things we must have to worship, dwell richly in you as you go to church and sing songs that are about God, for God, to God...and if they don’t make you feel better about Him than you feel about you, then come together as a church and figure out where you ALL went wrong!
Pastor Larry Hof
Posted in Blessed, God of All Comfort, Living Sacrifice, Love, Scripture is Illuminating, Music that Moves
Posted in God\'s Word, Music, Music that Moves
Posted in God\'s Word, Music, Music that Moves
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