It All Hangs Here
It All Hangs Here
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
Matthew 22:37-39
The Law is demanding. The Law is immutable. The Law is good. The Law is not what you think it is under the Grace of Christ. The Law is Love. In the next verse Christ tells us that all of the Old Testament law and prophets are wrapped up in this, Love. To Love God with all of who you are and to Love others as if they were you. If I love God with all I am then I won’t have idols or self worship. If I love my neighbor and make them as important to me as I am, I won’t steal from them, lie on them, or covet who they are or what they have.
Remember how I started this, the Law is demanding? Under Grace the Law is still a standard we cannot keep. We need the Holy Spirit. I cannot love God the way that I am supposed to without the Holy Spirit. I cannot love my neighbor as God commands without His Holy Spirit. Let me give us all an exercise for the day and every subsequent day. Let’s try this together.
1. Pray, ask God to help you recognize when you are in your power or His
2. When you recognize you’re in your power, stop, breath out who you are in a prayer and inhale who God is. Your breathing isn’t going to rid you of you and give you God, but it is an on purpose exercise to help you give over yourself to allow Christ to live for love for you, whether it be God or your neighbor.
3. Repeat
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
Matthew 22:37-39
The Law is demanding. The Law is immutable. The Law is good. The Law is not what you think it is under the Grace of Christ. The Law is Love. In the next verse Christ tells us that all of the Old Testament law and prophets are wrapped up in this, Love. To Love God with all of who you are and to Love others as if they were you. If I love God with all I am then I won’t have idols or self worship. If I love my neighbor and make them as important to me as I am, I won’t steal from them, lie on them, or covet who they are or what they have.
Remember how I started this, the Law is demanding? Under Grace the Law is still a standard we cannot keep. We need the Holy Spirit. I cannot love God the way that I am supposed to without the Holy Spirit. I cannot love my neighbor as God commands without His Holy Spirit. Let me give us all an exercise for the day and every subsequent day. Let’s try this together.
1. Pray, ask God to help you recognize when you are in your power or His
2. When you recognize you’re in your power, stop, breath out who you are in a prayer and inhale who God is. Your breathing isn’t going to rid you of you and give you God, but it is an on purpose exercise to help you give over yourself to allow Christ to live for love for you, whether it be God or your neighbor.
3. Repeat
Pastor Larry Hof
Here is a song for today!
Posted in Love, God is More, Living Sacrifice, Praying for Help
Posted in Love, Love God, Love your neighbors, Holy Spirit
Posted in Love, Love God, Love your neighbors, Holy Spirit
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