F.A.T. Faithful And Tenderhearted
Faithful And Tenderhearted (F.A.T.)
“The liberal soul shall be made fat: And he that watereth shall be watered also himself.”
Proverbs 11:25
You cannot out give God. That’s what I have heard for so many years now. Yet do we really put it into practice? Do you know what it means to be liberal? Proverbs 11: 25 says this, “The liberal soul shall be made fat: And he that watereth shall be watered also himself. This is not a liberal pertaining to politics, but a person who understands that they did not receive to benefit themselves, but that they received to benefit someone else. Have you ever just got some blessing out of the blue? Just something you weren’t expecting but the moment you got it you thought, “ well now I can go have this or buy that”? That is what I would say most of us do when we receive something. Just this Sunday I was given $50 out of the blue...wasn’t expecting it but when I got it I immediately thought, “this will pay for a couple lunches”. I was not being liberal in my thinking, I was selfish. Now I have matured in that if received money on Sunday, I would spend it 5 seconds after I got it lol. This time it was two days later and still in my wallet...miracles do exist! I was in my office and talking on the phone when I received a knock at the church back door. I opened the door to what I could only describe as a real life cowboy or ranch hand. He was in his 80’s but there was no doubt in my mind what his livelihood had been. He asked if I was the pastor and I said yes, so he asked if he could have a couple minutes. I asked him to allow me to finish my phone call and when I did, he shared his faith with me. He had gotten off the interstate at nearby town and was looking for help. He was driving around looking for a church. He made his way through some county roads until he saw our church. We talked about his stint in the Marine corp and how he just can’t work as much any more doing what he loved. I knew why God gave me the $50...it wasn’t for me to enjoy some good lunches, but so Paul could have a place to stay that night.
It can be a difficult thing to let go of what is yours, but when we do this for the kingdom of God it is a sound investment. I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but I know that God will give me what I need when I need it, because when we are F.A.T...that’s faithful and tenderhearted, God is fatter lol!
Pastor Larry Hof
“The liberal soul shall be made fat: And he that watereth shall be watered also himself.”
Proverbs 11:25
You cannot out give God. That’s what I have heard for so many years now. Yet do we really put it into practice? Do you know what it means to be liberal? Proverbs 11: 25 says this, “The liberal soul shall be made fat: And he that watereth shall be watered also himself. This is not a liberal pertaining to politics, but a person who understands that they did not receive to benefit themselves, but that they received to benefit someone else. Have you ever just got some blessing out of the blue? Just something you weren’t expecting but the moment you got it you thought, “ well now I can go have this or buy that”? That is what I would say most of us do when we receive something. Just this Sunday I was given $50 out of the blue...wasn’t expecting it but when I got it I immediately thought, “this will pay for a couple lunches”. I was not being liberal in my thinking, I was selfish. Now I have matured in that if received money on Sunday, I would spend it 5 seconds after I got it lol. This time it was two days later and still in my wallet...miracles do exist! I was in my office and talking on the phone when I received a knock at the church back door. I opened the door to what I could only describe as a real life cowboy or ranch hand. He was in his 80’s but there was no doubt in my mind what his livelihood had been. He asked if I was the pastor and I said yes, so he asked if he could have a couple minutes. I asked him to allow me to finish my phone call and when I did, he shared his faith with me. He had gotten off the interstate at nearby town and was looking for help. He was driving around looking for a church. He made his way through some county roads until he saw our church. We talked about his stint in the Marine corp and how he just can’t work as much any more doing what he loved. I knew why God gave me the $50...it wasn’t for me to enjoy some good lunches, but so Paul could have a place to stay that night.
It can be a difficult thing to let go of what is yours, but when we do this for the kingdom of God it is a sound investment. I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but I know that God will give me what I need when I need it, because when we are F.A.T...that’s faithful and tenderhearted, God is fatter lol!
Pastor Larry Hof
Posted in Love, Blessed, God is More, Living Sacrifice, Making Plans, Scripture is Illuminating, Support Group, The God of the Impossible
Posted in giving, liberal, fat, fatter
Posted in giving, liberal, fat, fatter
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